
Showing posts from March, 2018

Perfect Skin when on a Budget

We all want to have a polished flawless skin. But from where should we start? what products are more suitable for our type of skin? and what to do when we're on budget? Personally speaking, I’m quite sceptical when it comes to using various products either on my skin or in my hair. I’m terrified by the idea of having some sort of reaction or side effects due to the use of wrong products, mixing or frequently alternating products until my skin becomes irritable or damaged. Healthy habits It all starts from the inside. Good healthy habits are key to a healthy looking skin. What you eat is ultimately going to show on your skin, therefore, including vitamins, omega3, omega6, natural healthy fats... are a must. Fish, dark chocolate, nuts, sweet potatoes, green tea, bell peppers are all good for your skin. Limit your consumption of greasy and non-healthy foods which maybe costly, and start eating what really benefit your body and skin.  Know your skin type The first thing