Perfect Skin when on a Budget

We all want to have a polished flawless skin. But from where should we start? what products are more suitable for our type of skin? and what to do when we're on budget?
Personally speaking, I’m quite sceptical when it comes to using various products either on my skin or in my hair. I’m terrified by the idea of having some sort of reaction or side effects due to the use of wrong products, mixing or frequently alternating products until my skin becomes irritable or damaged.

Healthy habits

It all starts from the inside. Good healthy habits are key to a healthy looking skin. What you eat is ultimately going to show on your skin, therefore, including vitamins, omega3, omega6, natural healthy fats... are a must. Fish, dark chocolate, nuts, sweet potatoes, green tea, bell peppers are all good for your skin. Limit your consumption of greasy and non-healthy foods which maybe costly, and start eating what really benefit your body and skin. 

Know your skin type

The first thing to start with is knowing your “real” type of skin. Not because you have some dry spots or oily areas it necessarily means that your skin is dry or oily. To know what your type of skin is, you can take an online skin test by answering a set of questions (I suggest that you take 2 to 3 tests then compare the results and see if they match). Or you can just go to your dermatologist for an accurate professional's answer.


Do never skip cleaning your face even if you are extremely tired. Throughout the day, bacteria, dust, pollution... find their home on your skin. Hence, keeping your skin clean is essential. Soap alone won’t do if you use too much makeup. Use an oil based cleanser to remove all the residue left by makeup, sweat and dust. The oil is going to help nourish your skin, it will not irritate it and it will thoroughly clean it.

This step is optional, but you can also use a water based cleanser for more cleanliness.

Choice of products

The choice of products must be according to what you really need help with: do you want to reduce oiliness, increase moisture and hydration, do you need to get rid of acne, acne scars, whiteheads, black heads.... Make sure that you write down the things you need to fix or get rid of to limit your products's choice to one category. 

There is no need for you to invest in a remedy that heals what you don’t have because you might end up with reversed results. And you don't want to buy what you will eventually not use or throw.

An oil based cleanser, exfoliator, toner, sunscreen and hydrating/moisturising creams are necessary to build a routine for the perfect skin. These may seem too much for the budget, therefore, choose those products with dual action, i.e. sunscreen with a moisturising base, hydrating toner, a tinted moisturiser with SPF or even an exfoliating toner.

Also, don't invest in pricey tools  and fancy products expecting for an overnight miracle. Use what you have on your hand. For example, with a good exfoliator you can have a clean skin without using exfoliating tools. Instead, invest is the mostly needed products depending on what you really want help with.

Facial massages

Facial massages are very important since they help with blood circulation as well as with skin tightening. Apply a moderate amount of your essential oil or choice (olive oil will do just fine) and massage your face slowly with circular motions following the direction of the face's muscles (from the centre of the face towards the ears) and let it soak overnight. This will moisturise your skin and you won't have to fear clogged pores.

This can be done on a daily basis before bed.

Since skin renews itself overnight, you can just wash your face with soap and go to sleep without using other products or oil. You will help your skin to get some rest and to breathe.

P.s. The cited products mentioned on this page are just for reference.


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