
Showing posts from April, 2018

How to Get Healthier Looking Hair

To be honest, I’ve always been more concerned with my hair rather than my skin. Whatever the symptoms, skin can always be covered with a good foundation in most cases. As for hair, once it tastes humidity, there’s no way to tame it. We all have tried various products and hair treatments to get our dream hair, but 90% of our efforts (if not more) were failures. I don’t know about you, but I always couldn’t understand why the tricks that other people use don’t work with me. Either tips on the internet, grandmother’ remedies or friends’ recommendations.  Nothing  worked. Now, after too many failures and experiments, I finally got to the "awaited" results. And I decided to share with you my own tips and the products that I have used to have this shiny silky hair I’ve always wanted. Trim your hair The importance of trimming hair is something everybody knows but doesn't want to accept because there is nothing more mortifying than cutting your hair when you’re desperatel