
How to Get Healthier Looking Hair

To be honest, I’ve always been more concerned with my hair rather than my skin. Whatever the symptoms, skin can always be covered with a good foundation in most cases. As for hair, once it tastes humidity, there’s no way to tame it. We all have tried various products and hair treatments to get our dream hair, but 90% of our efforts (if not more) were failures. I don’t know about you, but I always couldn’t understand why the tricks that other people use don’t work with me. Either tips on the internet, grandmother’ remedies or friends’ recommendations.  Nothing  worked. Now, after too many failures and experiments, I finally got to the "awaited" results. And I decided to share with you my own tips and the products that I have used to have this shiny silky hair I’ve always wanted. Trim your hair The importance of trimming hair is something everybody knows but doesn't want to accept because there is nothing more mortifying than cutting your hair when you’re desperatel

Perfect Skin when on a Budget

We all want to have a polished flawless skin. But from where should we start? what products are more suitable for our type of skin? and what to do when we're on budget? Personally speaking, I’m quite sceptical when it comes to using various products either on my skin or in my hair. I’m terrified by the idea of having some sort of reaction or side effects due to the use of wrong products, mixing or frequently alternating products until my skin becomes irritable or damaged. Healthy habits It all starts from the inside. Good healthy habits are key to a healthy looking skin. What you eat is ultimately going to show on your skin, therefore, including vitamins, omega3, omega6, natural healthy fats... are a must. Fish, dark chocolate, nuts, sweet potatoes, green tea, bell peppers are all good for your skin. Limit your consumption of greasy and non-healthy foods which maybe costly, and start eating what really benefit your body and skin.  Know your skin type The first thing

DIY Denim Jacket With Studs

Sometimes we buy clothes on a whim and end up not wearing them as much as we thought we would. Especially those clothes that we like but don't fit. We convince ourselves that we will lose weight to wear them, but we do nothing to lose those extra pounds (We're so weak minded). Thankfully, there are DIYs for help. I bought this jacket because I was in desperate need of a denim one. I bought it thinking it was the "it" item of the season at that time. Nonetheless, I ended up not wearing it as much as I thought I would until I completely forgot about it. But since it's there in the closet, why not personalise it. This DIY is the simplest that ever exists, but why not share it. the same steps can be followed to personalise other items, like bags, shirts, trousers... and for this DIY, all what is needed is a denim jacket, studs and scissors. First, remove the sleeves. There are two options to remove them. either by cutting them or by removing the threa

Searching for the right pair of jeans ?

  T hat you're a boy or a girl , old or young , you must wear jeans ; everybody loves jeans; that it's a jacket or pants a shoe or a shirt , denim is everywhere.   W e all wear jeans , differently , but we all do . The questions that all girl & perhaps even boys ask are :" Does it fit me?" , "Does it look good on me?" ; some will answer , "yes" others "no" not to offend you or because it's the truth.   W e are all diffrent , in our tastes , body sizes , syle , point of view .. ect .So before searching for what looks good on you , search for what fits you...   T oo skinny , chubby or fat , the jeans that make you look fab is kind of hard to find , and the most difficult are the ones for over-sized people (fat). As you all know dark jeans make you appear little bit thinner , but you must change the colors sometimes & wear brighter colors or the usual denim . Wearing skinny jeans will make no diffrence , beleive me ;


Hair is the crown of men & women , but mostly women . Many people ( as I ) made topics , read articles , watched videos ... and so on , to get answers and help ; but many are the opinions, and who to believe.... I say : no one , unless hairstylists. My hair was beautiful as a child , my mother used to use , pantene and schwarzkopf mask , than at 10 y/o we moved , and hair was not important . So changing the shampoo is not good  , find the brand that is good for your hair , & buying a shampoo , means buying the conditioner , mask , serum ... because it's busness . I wish that someone one day make a shampoo with all the repairing stuff ... Well , I started using Franck Provost shampoo & mask lately , and actually my hair looks better & it smells good. But still , I do not know if other products/shampoo are better , because I stopped using diffrent products on my hair , tbh I don't wanna go bald , but this brand really helped me . However , the main a